[Salon] Russia Vetos UN Vote to Extend Aid through Bab al-Hawa

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Russia Vetos UN Vote to Extend Aid through

Bab al-Hawa

(July 2022)

The UN Vote:

  • On Friday, July 8, the UN Security Council (UNSC) voted to extend humanitarian aid to the Idlib region of northern Syria through the Turkish border at Bab al-Hawa.
  • This vote was urgent, as the authorization to extend aid was set to expire on Sunday, July 10. 
  • The council proposed a one-year extension of aid, and 13 of the 15 member countries voted in favor of the resolution; China abstained, and Russia used its veto power to strike down the resolution.
  • Russia, a close ally of Damascus, proposed a six-month extension. This resolution received two votes in favor and three votes against with ten countries abstaining.
  • Noting the importance towards reaching a compromise, on Tuesday, July 12, a resolution proposed by Ireland and Norway for a six-month extension was approved. 
  • 12 of the 15 member countries voted in favor, while France, the United Kingdom and the U.S. abstained.
  • Thus, the cross-border aid delivery at Bab al-Hawa will be extended until January 2023; a new round of negotiations to secure the following six months of aid will take place then.

Why is this aid so important?

  • According to the UN, Syria’s humanitarian needs are at its highest level since the start of the war. 
  • With Russia’s invasion of Ukraine causing food and energy prices to increase globally, the aid needed is likely to magnify. 
  • This cross-border aid delivery has been operating since 2014.
  • Of the over 4 million civilians in the northwest of Syria who need aid, almost 2.5 are entirely reliant on humanitarian aid from this cross-border aid delivery from Bab al-Hawa.
  • Starting in 2020, Russia has used its veto power in the UNSC to close several access points on the Syrian border. This includes the termination of the Bab al-Salaam and Bab al-Yarubiyah crossings due to reauthorization vetoes. 
  • This leaves the crossing at Bab al-Hawa as the only viable access point. 
  • Russia is an advocate for aid coming from the Damascus government through contested lines. 
  • Many officials are worried that a six-month extension, rather than the typical year-long extension, will not allow ample time for humanitarian workers, health workers, or NGOs in the region to plan, distribute aid, or work effectively.

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